Today's Birthdays: March 05

March 05

Gerardus Mercator

1512–1594, Flemish Cartographer.

Gerardus Mercator: Latin form of his real name, Gerhard Kremer. Flemish geographer, mathematician, and cartographer. He studied in Louvain, where he had a geographical establishment (1534). From 1537 to 1540 he surveyed and mapped Flanders. In 1538 he produced his first map of the world (based on Ptolemy's map); in 1541 he made a terrestrial, and in 1551 a celestial, globe. He was appointed (1552) to the chair of cosmography in Duisburg. In 1554 he made a six-sheet map of Europe. The first map using the projection that bears his name appeared in 1568; it has been more generally used than any other projection for navigators' maps of the world. In 1585, Mercator began an atlas which included many of his earlier maps; the atlas was completed by his son and published in 1594. Mercator did cartographical work for Charles V and was cosmographer to the duke of Jülich and Cleves. He wrote several books on subjects such as ancient geography and the science and mathematics of geography and cartography.


Gerardus Mercator

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