Marshall Islands

Facts & Figures

Map of Marshall Islands
  • President: David Kabua (2020)

    Total area: 70 sq mi (181 sq km), includes the atolls of Bikini, Eniwetok, and Kwajalein

    Population (2022 est.): 79,906 (growth rate: 1.34%); birth rate: 22/1000; infant mortality rate: 21.66/1000; life expectancy: 74.65

    Capital and largest city (2018 est.): Majuro, 31,000

    Monetary unit: U.S. Dollar

    Current government officials

    Languages: Marshallese (official) 98.2%, other languages 1.8% (1999 census) note: English (official), widely spoken as a second language

    Ethnicity/race: Marshallese 92.1%, mixed Marshallese 5.9%, other 2% (2006)

    Religions: Protestant 80.5% (United Church of Christ 47%, Assembly of God 16.2%, Bukot Nan Jesus 5.4%, Full Gospel 3.3%, Reformed Congressional Church 3%, Salvation Army 1.9%, Seventh Day Adventist 1.4%, Meram in Jesus 1.2%, other Protestant 1.1%), Roman Catholic 8.5%, Church of Jesus Christ 7%, Jehovah's Witness 1.7%,  other 1.2%, none 1.1% (2011 est.)

    National Holiday: Constitution Day, May 1

    Literacy rate: 98.3% (2011)

    Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2019 est.): $240 million; per capita $4,000. Real growth rate: 2.5%. Inflation: 0%. Unemployment: 36%. Arable land: 7.8%. Agriculture: coconuts, tomatoes, melons, taro, breadfruit, fruits; pigs, chickens. Labor force: 10,670 (2013 est); agriculture 11%, industry 16.3%, services 72.7% (2011). Industries: copra, tuna processing, tourism, craft items from seashells, wood, and pearls. Natural resources: coconut products, marine products, deep seabed minerals. Exports: $130 million (2018): copra cake, coconut oil, handicrafts, fish. Major trading partners (exports): Poland 28%, Denmark 19%, South Korea 13%, Indonesia 10%, Cyprus 6% (2019). Imports: $170 million (2018): foodstuffs, machinery and equipment, fuels, beverages, and tobacco. Major trading partners (imports): South Korea 39%, China 27%, Japan 15% (2019).

    Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 2,361 (2018); mobile cellular: 16,000 (2020). Broadcast media: no TV broadcast station; a cable network is available on Majuro with programming via videotape replay and satellite relays; 4 radio broadcast stations; American Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) provides satellite radio and television service to Kwajalein Atoll (2019). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 3 (2012). Internet users: 22,929 (2019).

    Transportation: Railways: 0 km. Roadways: total: 2,028 (includes 75 km of expressways). Ports and harbors: Enitwetak Island, Kwajalein, Majuro. Airports: 15 (2021).

    International disputes: claims U.S. territory of Wake Island.

    Major sources and definitions

Flag of Marshall Islands
