
Facts & Figures

Map of Guadeloupe
  • Status: Overseas DepartmentPrefect: Jean-Jacques Brot (2006)Land area: 659 sq mi (1,706 sq km); total area: 687 sq mi (1,780 sq km)Population (2006 est.): 452,776 (growth rate: 0.9%); birth rate: 15.1/1000; infant mortality rate: 8.4/1000; life expectancy: 78.1; density per sq mi: 666Capital (2003 est.): Basse-Terre, 12,900Largest city: Abymes, 65,700Monetary unit: FrancLanguages: French 99% (official), Creole patoisEthnicity/race: black or mulatto 90%, white 5%, East Indian, Lebanese, Chinese less than 5%Religions: Roman Catholic 95%, Hindu and pagan African 4%, Protestant 1%Literacy rate: 98% (1977 est.)Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2003 est.): $3.513 billion; per capita $7,900. Real growth rate: n.a. Inflation: n.a. Unemployment: 27.8% (1998). Arable land: 11%. Agriculture: bananas, sugarcane, tropical fruits and vegetables; cattle, pigs, goats. Labor force: 125,900 (1997); agriculture 15%, industry 20%, services 65% (2002). Industries: construction, cement, rum, sugar, tourism. Natural resources: cultivable land, beaches and climate that foster tourism. Exports: $140 million (f.o.b., 1997): bananas, sugar, rum. Imports: $1.766 billion (2002): foodstuffs, fuels, vehicles, clothing and other consumer goods, construction materials. Major trading partners: France, Martinique, U.S., Germany, Japan, Netherlands Antilles (1999).Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 210,000 (2001); mobile cellular: 323,500 (2002). Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 17, shortwave 0 (1998). Television broadcast stations: 5 (plus several low-power repeaters) (1997). . Internet hosts: n.a. Internet users: 20,000 (2002).Transportation: Railways: total: n.a. km; privately-owned, narrow-gauge plantation lines. Highways: total: 947 km; paved: n.a.; unpaved: n.a. (2002). Ports and harbors: Basse-Terre, Gustavia, Pointe-a-Pitre. Airports: 9 (2004 est.).International disputes: none.Major sources and definitions
