High School and College Graduates

Updated July 8, 2021 | Infoplease Staff

Find the number of high school and college graduates in the United States.

  High school College1
Men Women Total2 Men Women Total
1899–1900 38,000 57,000 95,000 22,173 5,237 26,410
1909–1910 64,000 93,000 156,000 28,762 8,437 37,199
1919–1920 124,000 188,000 311,000 31,980 16,642 48,622
1929–1930 300,000 367,000 667,000 73,615 48,869 122,484
1939–1940 579,000 643,000 1,221,000 109,546 76,954 186,500
1949–1950 571,000 629,000 1,200,000 328,841 103,217 432,058
1959–1960 895,000 963,000 1,858,000 254,063 138,377 392,440
1969–1970 1,430,000 1,459,000 2,889,000 451,097 341,219 792,316
1974–1975 1,542,000 1,591,000 3,133,000 504,841 418,092 922,933
1979–1980 1,491,000 1,552,000 3,043,000 473,611 455,806 929,417
1984–1985 2,767,000 482,528 496,949 979,477
1989–1990 2,744,000 491,696 559,648 1,051,344
1994–1995 2,520,000 526,131 634,003 1,160,134
1999–2000 2,832,844 530,367 707,508 1,237,875
2004–2005 3,106,499 613,000 826,264 1,439,264
2009–2010 3,440,185 706,660 943,259 1,649,919
2014-2015 3,530,250 1,870,000
2019-2020 3,596,790 ~2,000,000
1. Bachelors's degrees. Includes first-professional degrees for years 1900–1960.
2. Includes graduates of public and private schools.
3. Public high school graduates based on state estimates.
4. Projected.
n.a. = not available.
NOTE: Includes graduates from public and private schools. Beginning in 1959–60, figures include Alaska and Hawaii. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Most recent data available.
Source: Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.


School Enrollment and Educational Attainment


School Enrollment and Educational Attainment
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