Synonyms of armed


1. arm, build up, fortify, gird

usage: prepare oneself for a military confrontation; "The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East"; "troops are building up on the Iraqi border"

2. arm, supply, provide, render, furnish

usage: supply with arms; "The U.S. armed the freedom fighters in Afghanistan"


1. armed (vs. unarmed), equipped, weaponed, light-armed, militarized, militarised

usage: (used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms; "armed robbery"

2. armed (vs. armless), armlike, brachiate, long-armed, one-armed

usage: having arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination; "the many-armed goddess Shiva"

3. armed (vs. unarmed), barbed, barbellate, briary, briery, bristled, bristly, burred, burry, prickly, setose, setaceous, spiny, thorny, bristlelike, brushlike, thistlelike, clawed, taloned

usage: (used of plants and animals) furnished with bristles and thorns

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Definition and meaning of armed (Dictionary)