Synonyms of bolted


1. bolt, move

usage: move or jump suddenly; "She bolted from her seat"

2. bolt, lock

usage: secure or lock with a bolt; "bolt the door"

3. bolt, swallow, get down

usage: swallow hastily

4. abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, run off, go off, make off, flee, fly, take flight

usage: run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe"

5. run off, run out, bolt, bolt out, beetle off, leave, go forth, go away

usage: leave suddenly and as if in a hurry; "The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas"; "When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out"

6. gobble, bolt, eat

usage: eat hastily without proper chewing; "Don't bolt your food!"

7. bolt, roll up, furl

usage: make or roll into bolts; "bolt fabric"

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