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Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
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The Absent-Minded Professor
Advent: Dates, Traditions, and History
America's Favorite Structures
American Idol
American Indian Glossary
American Indian Heritage Month Origins
American Indian versus Native American
American Music Timeline
The Amistad
Animal Jokes
April Fools' Day: Origin and History
Asian Food Primer: Introduction
Asian Loan Words in English
Atlantis—Myth or History?
August—History of the Month's Origin
BBQ Primer
Back to School Center
Back to School Movies
Bastille Day - The French Independence Day
Beauty and the Beast
The Bismarck
The Bounty, Pitcairn Island, and Fletcher Christian's Descendants
The Britannic
Canine Cops
Career Guide
Carving the Perfect Turkey
Celebrity Baby Names
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Chinese New Year: 2015
Christmas Traditions
Cinco de Mayo
Commencement Speeches
The Crossword Puzzle History
Day of the Dead
Daylight Saving Time
December Movie Round-Up
Dinosaur Movies
Disney Characters: From The Alice Comedies To Ratatouille
Disney Movies Slideshow
Doctor Jokes
Easter Candy Facts
Easter Symbols and Traditions
Easter and Passover
Easter—A Tale of Two Easters
Elvis's Legacy
The Endurance
Faberge Eggs
Fact Monster Mask
Fact Monster Wins Webby Award!
Famous Couples | Abelard and Heloise
Famous Couples | Abigail and John Adams
Famous Couples | Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne
Famous Couples | Annie Oakley and Frank Butler
Famous Couples | Antony and Cleopatra
Famous Couples | John Alden and Priscilla Mullins
Famous Couples | Marie and Pierre Curie
Famous Couples | Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Famous Couples | Robert and Elizabeth Browning
Famous Couples | Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal
Famous Fictional Couples | Carmen and Don Jose
Famous Fictional Couples | Helen of Troy and Paris
Famous Fictional Couples | Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester
Famous Fictional Couples | Margherita (Camille) and Armando
Famous Fictional Couples | Ralph and Alice Kramden
Famous Fictional Couples | Robin Hood and Maid Marion
Famous Fictional Couples | Romeo and Juliet
Famous Fictional Couples | Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler
Famous Fictional Couples | Sheherazade and King Shahryar
Famous Firsts
Famous Food Dishes and How they Got Their Names
Famous and Infamous Moms
Fashion Timeline
Fashion—What is Haute Couture?
Fast Facts on SpongeBob SquarePants
Father's Day Quotations
Father's Day Timeline
Father's Day: International holiday celebrated in June
Fireworks Facts
Friday the 13th
Global Thinkers
The Gregorian Calendar—History
Groundhog Day
Guy Fawkes Day
Halloween History
Halloween Stats and Facts
Halloween Traditions
Harry Potter Movie Review
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Movie Cast
Harry Potter: Quotes from Cast
A History of the New Year
The Hoax Files: The Truth Isn't Out There
Hoaxes - Art
Hoaxes - Corporate
Hoaxes - E-mail
Hoaxes - Literary
Hoaxes - Media
Hoaxes - Music
Hoaxes - Science
Hoaxes - Sports
Hobo Convention
Holiday Census Facts
Holidays in America
Holocaust Remembrance Day
How The Grinch Stole Christmas—Trivia
Ides of March
Information Please - History
The Information Please Editorial Cartoon Gallery
International Women's Day
Irish Quotations
Irish Saints
Islam Glossary
Islamic Holidays (Ramadan, Muharram, Mawlid al-Nabi, and more)
Israel's Lost Tribes
Jewish Traditions from Ashkenazic to Zionist
Knock Knock Jokes
Kwanzaa: History, Food, Colors, Candles, Symbols, Activites, Crafts, 7 Principles
Lady and the Tramp
Leap Year 101 – Next, When, List, Days, Calendar, Years, Calculation, Last, Rules
Leap Year Explained
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
Lord of the Rings, Who's Who
Love Poem Quotations
The Lunchbox
The Maine
Mardi Gras
Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday
Mary Poppins
May Day
The Mayflower
Memory Challenge
Middle-earth Timeline
Millennial Markers
Millennium Miscellany
The Monitor
The Monster Guide
Monster Jokes
The Most Popular Pet Names
Mother's Day Features
Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Kids
Mother's Day Quotations
My Favorite Lunchbox
Name Meanings, Origins, and Popularity
National Hot Dog Month
Neckties Through the Ages—Introduction
Neckties Through the Ages—Knotty Questions
New Year's Traditions
Origins of the Christmas Holiday
Passover and Easter―A Quick Guide to Understanding Dates
Passover: Feast Without Yeast
Perpetual Calendar
Pets in the White House
Pokemon in the U.S.A.
Popular Kids' Names
The Prospect/FP Top 100 Public Intellectuals
The Prospect/FP Top 20 Public Intellectuals, 2008
The Queen Elizabeth
The Queen Mary
Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr
Roller Coasters
Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year
Santa Claus on Film
School Year and Summer Vacation—History
The Science of SpongeBob
Scooter Mania
Scout Quizzes
Shakespeare on Film
Shipwrecks: The Andrea Doria
Showbiz Moms
The Sinking of the Sultana
Smokey Bear
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Space Movies
Spies in America
SpongeBob SquarePants
St. Patrick's Day: More Dallas than Dublin
Star Wars
The Tall Ships Set Sail to Boston
Thanksgiving History
Titanic: The Anniversary of the Sinking of the World's Most Famous Ship
Toy Story
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day History of Candy Hearts
Valentine's Day by the Numbers
Valentine's Day | Famous Couples in History
Valentine's Day | Fictional Love Stories
Video Games: Timeline
Wacky Town Names
The Wage Gap: A History of Pay Inequity and the Equal Pay Act
Wedding Lore and Traditions
Wedding Quotations
Weddings: dresses, traditions, quotations, cakes, movies, and more
What Is Boxing Day?
What is Purim?
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Winter Holidays 2015: Traditions and Celebrations
Year in Review 1999 | Pop Culture Trends
Year in Review 2000 | Pop Culture Trends
Year in Review 2001 | Pop Culture Trends
Year in Review: 2005 Quizzes
Yiddish Glossary
Yom Kippur

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