Suriname Chiefs of State & Cabinet Members

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 5/9/2012

Pres. Desire Delano BOUTERSE
Vice Pres. Robert AMEERALI
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Hendrik SETROWIDJOJO
Min. of Defense Lamure LATOUR
Min. of Education & Community Development Shirley SITALDIEN
Min. of Finance Adelien WIJNERMAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Winston LACKIN
Min. of Interior Soewarto MOESTADJA
Min. of Justice & Police Edward BELFORT
Min. of Labor & Technological Development Michael MISKIN
Min. of Natural Resources Jim HOK
Min. of Public Health Michael BLOKLAND
Min. of Public Works Ramon ABRAHAMS
Min. of Regional Development Stanley BETTERSON
Min. of Social Affairs & Housing Alice AMAFO
Min. of Spatial Planning, Land & Forest Management, & Environment Ginmardo KROMOSOETO
Min. of Sport & Youth Affairs Ismanto ADNA
Min. of Trade & Industry Raymond SAPOEN
Min. of Transport, Communication, & Tourism Valisi PINAS
Governor, Central Bank Gilmore HOEFDRAAD
Ambassador to the US Jaques R. KROSS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Henry Leonard MAC-DONALD