Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Secret Service, United States

(Encyclopedia)Secret Service, United States, a law enforcement division (since 2003) of the Dept. of Homeland Security. It was established in 1865 in the the Dept. of the Treasury to investigate and prevent counter...

Sharon, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Sharon shârˈən [key], city (1990 pop. 17,493), Mercer co., NW Pa., on the Shenango River, near the Ohio line; settled c.1800, inc. as a city 1920. An industrial city, its chief manufactures are tex...

Shawnee, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia)Shawnee [1] shôˈnēˌ, shôˌnēˈ; [2] shôˌnēˈ [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 37,993), Johnson co., NE Kans., a residential suburb of Kansas City; founded 1857, inc. 1922. Consumer goods, lumber, hon...

Barrow, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Barrow, city (2020 pop. 4,390), N Alaska; inc. 1958. It is the northernmost (71° 16′ N) U.S. settlement and the trade center of the Alaska North Slop...

Sheffield, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Sheffield, industrial city (1990 pop. 10,380), Colbert co., NW Ala., on the Tennessee River near Muscle Shoals, in an iron and coal area; inc. 1885. Its varied manufactures include aluminum products, ...

Smithfield, town, United States

(Encyclopedia)Smithfield, town (1990 pop. 19,163), Providence co., N R.I.; set off from Providence and inc. 1731. Long a textile town, it now has diversified industries. It was settled early in the 18th cent., main...

Smyrna, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Smyrna, city (1990 pop. 30,981), Cobb co., NW Ga., a residential suburb of Atlanta; inc. 1872. Manufactures include computer equipment, building materials, plastics, ordnance, and chemicals. Originall...

Snake, river, United States

(Encyclopedia)Snake, river, 1,038 mi (1,670 km) long, NW United States, the chief tributary of the Columbia; once called the Lewis River. The Snake rises in NW Wyoming, in Yellowstone National Park, flows through J...

Shrewsbury, city, United States

(Encyclopedia)Shrewsbury shro͞ozˈbərē [key], town (1990 pop. 24,146), Worcester co., central Mass.; inc. 1727. Plastics, furniture, candy, fire alarm systems, and textiles are manufactured. Gen. Artemas Ward wa...

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