Civics: Ask the Fact Monster Questions
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- What are the requirements for citizenship in the United States?
- Who is the representative from our congressional district?
- What states legally bind their electors to vote for the popular vote winner? And what states do not follow the "winner-take-all" stance for their electoral votes?
- If a Senator happens to die while in ofice, what is the succession procedure?
- My friend and I are having a debate. He says that the United States does not have an official language. I thought English was our official language. Who's right?
- Can you explain the difference between 'hard' and 'soft' money contributions. I am trying to teach this to a group of ninth graders without much luck.
- How many representatives are there in Congress and for how long do we elect the representatives?
- We have a running debate going on about the use of the word "impeached." By definition, impeachment is merely a formal accusation brought against a political official by a legislative group. Therefore, since Andrew Johnson was involved in an impeachment process (against him), we would say that he was "impeached." The only problem is that saying he was "impeached" implies he was found guilty — which he wasn't. Would it then be incorrect to say he was impeached... or was he? I guess the same rule goes for "court-martial."
- What is a "summary judgement"?
- I was born overseas of American citizens who were stationed abroad. Do I meet the qualifications for being a natural-born citizen?
- Hey, I need to know the qualifications to become a governor.
- What states have a Republican governor?
- How much money are justices of the Supreme Court paid each year?
- What is the salary of the Speaker of the House of the United States government?
- I would like to know the names of the U.S. Supreme Court justices in 1896 and the states that they came from. I have obtained the full names of a few of them but I have yet to find the states for all of them.
- How many votes in the electoral college does Virginia have?
- Does Washington D.C. have a governor?
- I'm writing a research paper on Roman law and government, and I need information on the Twelve Tables. Can you help me?
- I am preparing to take the U.S. citizenship and naturalization test. Please, I would like to know where I can lay hands on any sample questions or materials to prepare for it.
- What exactly is the President Pro-Tempore of the United States Senate?