The Most Expensive Painting
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

The Question:
I'm looking for the most expensive painting in the world. Who was it painted by and when?
The Answer:
According to Guinness World Records, the most valuable painting is the Mona Lisa.
Painted by Leonardo Di Vinci begining around 1505-06, it is housed by the Louvre Museum in Paris, Frace. The painting was assessed for insurance purposes at $100 million for its move to Washington D.C. and New York for exhibition in the winter of 1962-63. However, insurance was not purchased because the cost of the closest security precautions was less than that of the premiums. Accounting for inflation, the painting would be assessed at more than $670 million today.
For more information about world art history, check out our art section.
-The Fact Monster
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