Religion: Ask the Fact Monster Questions
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- Why does Easter occur at different times each year?
- What are the three most important holidays in the Jewish religion and how many holidays are there altogether?
- What is the most practiced religion in the world?
- What is Ramadan and how is it celebrated?
- Who was the man who founded the Jehovah's Witnesses religion?
- What were the names of the Three Kings (or Three Wise Men), and the gifts that each brought to the baby Jesus?
- Why do Jewish holidays begin at sundown? There has to be a practical answer other than referring to the traditions of the Jewish Calendar.
- I am wondering what the X in Xmas means? Why is Christmas abbreviated this way?
- What is the approximate Jewish population in the United States?
- What language was the Bible originally written in?
- Your information about the menorah and hannukiah is mistaken. A hannukia has 9 branches and its ninth branch is the shamash. A menorah only has 7 branches.
- Why can't people with tattoos be buried in a Jewish cemetery?
- Who were the Muses?
- Is it true that Catholics, Protestants, and Jews all have different versions of the Ten Commandments?
- What is Chrismukkah?
- What is Chrismahanukwanzakah?
See also: