Puerto Rico

Facts & Figures

Map of Puerto Rico
  • COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICOStatus: CommonwealthGovernor: Luis Fortuño (2009)Capital and largest city (2010 est.): San Juan, 2,478,905Other large cities: Ponce, 442,244; Bayamón, 208,116; Carolina, 176,762Land area: 3,459 sq mi (8,959 sq km); total area: 3,515 sq mi (9,104 sq km)Population (2011 est.): 3,998,905 (growth rate: 0.24%); birth rate: 11.26/1000; infant mortality rate: 7.9/1000; life expectancy: 79.07; density per sq mi: 1,082. Monetary unit: U.S. dollarLanguages: Spanish and English (both official)Ethnicity/race: white (mostly Spanish origin) 80.5%, black 8%, Amerindian 0.4%, Asian 0.2%, mixed and other 10.9%Religions: Roman Catholic 85%, Protestant and other 15%Literacy rate: 94.1% (2002)Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2010 est.): $64.84 billion; per capita $16,300 Real growth rate: -5.8%. Inflation: 3.6% (2011 est.). Unemployment: 12% (2012). Arable land: 4%. Agriculture: sugarcane, coffee, pineapples, plantains, bananas; livestock products, chickens. Labor force: 1.286 million (2012); agriculture 2.1%, industry 19%, services 79% (2005 est.). Industries: pharmaceuticals, electronics, apparel, food products, tourism. Natural resources: some copper and nickel; potential for onshore and offshore oil. Exports: $75.7 billion (f.o.b., 2011): chemicals, electronics, apparel, canned tuna, rum, beverage concentrates, medical equipment. Imports: $46.6 billion (c.i.f., 2011): chemicals, machinery and equipment, clothing, food, fish, petroleum products. Major trading partners: U.S., UK, Netherlands, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Japan (2004).Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 891,900 (2009); mobile cellular: 2.934 million (2009). Radio broadcast stations: 125 (2007). Radios: 2.7 million (1997). Television broadcast stations: More than 30 (2007). Televisions: 1.021 million (1997). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 458 (2010). Internet users: 1 million (2009).Transportation: Railways: total: 96 km (2006). Highways: total: 26,670 km paved: 25,337 km (includes 427 km of expressways) unpaved: 1,333 km (2008). Ports and harbors: Guanica, Guayanilla, Guayama, Playa de Ponce, San Juan. Airports: 29 (2012).International disputes: none.Major sources and definitions

Flag of Puerto Rico
