20th-Century Toys and Games Timeline
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- 1900
- Baseball cards
- 1901
- Ping-Pong
- 1902
- Teddy Bear
- 1909
- Jigsaw puzzle
- 1918
- Raggedy Ann doll
- 1926
- Miniature golf
- 1929
- Yo-yo
- 1933
- Monopoly
- 1943
- Chutes and Ladders
- 1944
- Silly Putty
- 1946
- Tonka Trucks
- 1948
- Scrabble
- 1949
- Candy Land
- Clue
- 1952
- Mr. Potato Head
- 1956
- Original Ant Farm
- 1957
- Frisbee
- 1959
- Barbie doll
- 1960
- Toy Trolls
- Etch-A-Sketch
- 1963
- Easy Bake Oven
- 1964
- G. I. Joe
- 1965
- Operation game
- 1966
- Twister
- 1975
- Skateboarding
- 1978
- Hungry Hungry Hippos
- 1983
- Cabbage Patch Kids doll
- Trivial Pursuit
- 1986
- American Girl Dolls
- 1989
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Super Soaker
- 1990
- Rollerblading
- 1994
- Beanie Babies
- 1996
- Tickle Me Elmo
- 1998
- Rescue Heroes
- 2002
- Yu-Gi-Oh Starter Deck
See also: