
In email, text messages, online chat rooms, and tweets, people often try to type as fast as they can. Using acronyms or abbreviations helps them keep up their speed. Here's a quick taste of the language sometimes known as "emailese," "textspeak," or "textese."
2moro: tomorrow
2nite: tonight
BRB: be right back
BTW: by the way
B4N: bye for now
BCNU: be seeing you
BFF: best friends forever
CYA: see ya
DBEYR: don't believe everything you read
FUD: fear, uncertainty, and disinformation
FWIW: for what it's worth, or forget where I was
GR8: great
ILY: I love you
IMHO: in my humble opinion
IRL: in real life
ISO: in search of
J/K: just kidding
L8R: later
LOL: laughing out loud
LYLAS: love you like a sister
MHOTY: my hat's off to you
NIMBY: not in my backyard
NP: no problem, or nosy parents
NUB: new person to a game or site
OIC: oh, I see
OMG: oh my goodness
OT: off topic
POV: point of view
RBTL: read between the lines
RT: real time, or retweet
THX or TX or THKS: thanks
SH: tuff happens
SITD: still in the dark
SOL: out of luck, or sooner or later
STBY: stinks to be you
SWAK: sealed with a kiss
RTM: read the manual
TLC: tender loving care
TMI: too much information
TTYL: talk to you later
TYVM: thank you very much
VBG: very big grin
WEG: wicked evil grin
WYWH: wish you were here
XOXO: hugs and kisses