Percent of Children Without Health Insurance, 2001

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
Characteristic Percent
 0–5 10.7%
 6–15 11.9
 16–18 15.4
 Under 18 years 11.7
Race and ethnicity  
 White 11.4
  Non-Hispanic 7.6
 Black 14.3
 Asian and Pacific Islanders 12.1
 American Indians and  Alaskan natives 22.3
 Hispanics1 24.9
 Native 10.9
 Foreign born 38.0
 Northeast 8.7
 Midwest 8.0
 South 14.2
 West 14.7
 Inside metropolitan areas 12.1
 Inside central cities 14.9
 Outside central cities 10.6
 Outside metropolitan areas 11.8
1. Hispanics may be of any race.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2002 Annual and Social Economic Supplement.

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