What Scares You
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Are you afraid of spiders or heights? Don’t worry--you’re not alone. Many people have a fear of something. When the fear is ongoing and irrational, it’s called a phobia. Here are some common-and not so common—phobias.
Phobia | Object feared |
Acrophobia | heights |
Agoraphobia | crowds, public places or open areas |
Ailurophobia | cats |
Anglophobia | England or anything English |
Arachnophobia | spiders |
Aviophobia | airplanes |
Brontophobia | thunderstorms |
Claustrophobia | closed or small spaces |
Thalassophobia | the sea |
Triskadekaphobia | the number 13 |
Xylophobia | wooden objects or of forests |