Doctor Who

Fictional Adventurer
Date Of Birth:
Best Known As:
Time-traveling hero of the long-running U.K. television series Dr. Who
Doctor Who began as a children's television show in the United Kingdom in 1963. Doctor Who and his companions traveled throughout the cosmos and time, battling bad guys like the Daleks, the Cybermen or the Master. Over the years the character was played by a variety of actors, and his character and adventures changed from thoughtful to whimsical accordingly. The show was exported and earned a fervent international following that has kept the series alive to this day, either on video or in book form. The original series ran until 1989, but was followed by various TV projects in the 1990s and relaunched in 2005. The actors who played Doctor Who are: William Hartnell (1963-66); Patrick Troughton (1966-69); Jon Pertwee (1970-74); Tom Baker (1974-81); Peter Davison (1982-84); Colin Baker (1984-86); Sylvester McCoy (1987-96); Paul McGann (1996); Christopher Eccleston (2005); David Tennant (2005-10); Matt Smith (2010-13); Peter Capaldi (2013-17); and Jodie Whittaker (2017-present).
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According to the fan site Outpost Gallifrey, Doctor Who travels in a “dimensionally transcendental time machine (i.e. bigger on the inside than on the outside), the camouflage system of which became stuck in the shape of a London police public call box.” The time machine is also called TARDIS, an acronym for “Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.”

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