Sun, Moon, and Stars: November 2002

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
Sun, moon, stars ONovember 2002

November 2002 Overview
Week by Week
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Major phenomena
4New Moon
11First Quarter
20Full Moon
27Last Quarter
Other Months
(available through 3/2007)
Celestial Links
Astronomical terms

Sunrise/Sunset, Moonrise/Moonset

Equinoxes and Solstices

Eclipses in 2002

Calendar 2002

Universal Time

Visit the Astronomy Center for more on the universe, the solar system, and related astronomical phenomena
November 2002—Week 1 (Nov. 1–2)

0000 UT, 7 PM EST (Oct. 31)
Vesta, the third-largest asteroid, is 1 degree 3 minutes south of the Moon. The asteroid is occulted, or hidden from view by the Moon.
1800 UT, 1 PM EST
Mars is 4 degrees south of the Moon.

November 2002—Week 2 (Nov. 3–9)
1200 UT, 7 AM EST
The asteroid Juno is 0 degrees 6 minutes north of the Moon. The asteroid is occulted, or hidden from view, by the Moon.
0100 UT, 8 PM EST (Nov. 3)
The Moon is at its perigee, or closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit.
1200 UT, 7 AM EST
Uranus appears to be motionless in the sky as its apparent backward, or retrograde, motion changes back to direct motion.
2100 UT, 4 PM EST

November 2002—Week 3 (Nov. 10–16)


2200 UT, 5 PM EST
Neptune is 5 degrees north of the Moon.
2100 UT, 4 PM EST
0500 UT, 12 AM EST (midnight)
Uranus is 5 degrees north of the Moon.
0500 UT, 12 AM EST (midnight)
Mercury is in superior conjunction, that is, Mercury and Earth are aligned on opposite sides of the Sun.
1100 UT, 6 AM EST
The Moon is at its apogee, or farthest point from Earth in its monthly orbit.


November 2002—Week 4 (Nov. 17–23)


0400 UT, 11 PM EST (Nov. 18)
Venus appears to be motionless in the sky as its apparent backward, or retrograde, motion changes back to direct motion.
0200 UT, 9 PM EST (Nov. 19)
FULL MOON Partial eclipse
0500 UT, 12 AM EST (midnight)
Mars is 3 degrees north of Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo.
1200 UT, 7 AM EST
Saturn is 3 degrees south of the Moon.


November 2002—Week 5 (Nov. 24–30)


0700 UT, 2 AM EST
Jupiter is 4 degrees south of the Moon.
1600 UT, 11 AM EST
0300 UT, 10 PM EST (Nov. 28)
Vesta, the third-largest asteroid, is 0 degrees 4 seconds north of the Moon. The asteroid is occulted, or hidden from view, by the Moon.
1800 UT, 1 PM EST
Ceres, the largest asteroid, appears to be motionless in the sky as its apparent backward, or retrograde, motion changes back to direct motion.


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