Synonyms of bunt


1. bunt, hit, hitting, striking

usage: (baseball) the act of hitting a baseball lightly without swinging the bat

2. bunt, stinking smut, smut

usage: disease of wheat characterized by replacement of the grains with greasy masses of smelly smut spores

3. bunt, stinking smut, Tilletia foetida, smut, smut fungus

usage: similar to Tilletia caries

4. bunt, Tilletia caries, smut, smut fungus

usage: fungus that destroys kernels of wheat by replacing them with greasy masses of smelly spores


1. bunt, drag a bunt, hit

usage: hit a ball in such a way so as to make it go a short distance

2. butt, bunt, strike

usage: to strike, thrust or shove against; "He butted his sister out of the way"; "The goat butted the hiker with his horns"

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Definition and meaning of bunt (Dictionary)