- 1. hollow, cavity, enclosed space
- usage: a cavity or space in something; "hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks"
- 2. hollow, holler, valley, vale
- usage: a small valley between mountains; "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians"
- 3. hole, hollow, natural depression, depression
- usage: a depression hollowed out of solid matter
- 1. excavate, dig, hollow, remove, take, take away, withdraw
- usage: remove the inner part or the core of; "the mining company wants to excavate the hillside"
- 2. hollow, hollow out, core out, empty
- usage: remove the interior of; "hollow out a tree trunk"
- 1. hollow (vs. solid), cavernous, deep-set, sunken, recessed, fistular, fistulate, fistulous, tubular, cannular, tubelike, tube-shaped, vasiform, empty
- usage: not solid; having a space or gap or cavity; "a hollow wall"; "a hollow tree"; "hollow cheeks"; "his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year"
- 2. hollow, reverberant (vs. unreverberant)
- usage: as if echoing in a hollow space; "the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom"
- 3. empty, hollow, vacuous, meaningless (vs. meaningful), nonmeaningful
- usage: devoid of significance or point; "empty promises"; "a hollow victory"; "vacuous comments"
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