Synonyms of retrograde


1. retrograde, orb, orbit, revolve

usage: move backward in an orbit, of celestial bodies

2. retrograde, travel, go, move, locomote

usage: move in a direction contrary to the usual one; "retrograding planets"

3. retrograde, retreat, withdraw, retreat, pull away, draw back, recede, pull back, retire, move back

usage: move back; "The glacier retrogrades"

4. retrograde, rehash, hash over, recapitulate, recap

usage: go back over; "retrograde arguments"

5. regress, retrograde, retrogress, worsen, decline

usage: get worse or fall back to a previous condition


1. retrograde (vs. direct)

usage: moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth

2. retrograde (vs. anterograde)

usage: of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma

3. retrograde, retrogressive, regressive (vs. progressive)

usage: going from better to worse

4. retral, retrograde, backward (vs. forward)

usage: moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction

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Definition and meaning of retrograde (Dictionary)