
Units of Time: Measure Elapsed Time
Units of Time: Measure Elapsed Time
In this video, Marta learns how to calculate elapsed time using the clock as a visual.
Acid-Base Neutralization Reactions
Acid-Base Neutralization Reactions
This video demonstrates the neutralization reaction that takes place when combining a strong acid (hydrochloric acid) with a strong base (sodium…
Dividing Decimals by Decimals
Dividing Decimals by Decimals
Students extend their knowledge of dividing decimals. This videos show them how to divide a decimal by another decimal.
Grammar Song: Making Contractions
Grammar Song: Making Contractions
This grammar song shows how to write two words as one using contractions.
How to Use Scatter Plots to Relate Two Different Data Sets
How to Use Scatter Plots to Relate Two Different Data Sets
Show students how creating a scatter plot can show a relationship between two different sets of data.
Regroup 1 Ten for 10 Ones
Regroup 1 Ten for 10 Ones
In this video, Marta learns how to regroup tens into ones in order to solve subtraction problems.
Use Partial Differences to Subtract
Use Partial Differences to Subtract
In this video, Alex learns how to do subtraction in parts using place values
Adding Decimals Using Mental Math Grade 5
Adding Decimals Using Mental Math Grade 5
In this video, Carlos learns how to mentally add numbers with decimals.
Division as Sharing
Division as Sharing
In this video, Emily learns how to divide by regrouping, and learns about remainders.
Grammar Song: The Function of Conjunctions
Grammar Song: The Function of Conjunctions
Sing about the function of conjunctions "and," "but," "or," and "so." This grammar song provides examples to help kids learn when to use each…