Top News Stories from 1902
World Events
World Statistics
Population: 4.378 billion
population by decade Nobel Peace Prize: Elie Ducommun and Albert Gobat (Switzerland)
More World Statistics... - Enrico Caruso makes his first gramophone recording.
- Aswan Dam is completed in central Egypt, becoming the chief means of storing irrigation water for the Nile valley.
- Cuba gains independence from Spain.
U.S. Events
U.S. Statistics
President: Theodore Roosevelt
Vice President: none
Population: 79,163,000
More U.S. Statistics... - Bureau of the Census is established; it later becomes part of the Department of Commerce.
- Approximately 150 thousand United Mine Workers strike in Pennsylvania for a wage increase and more suitable hours.
Federal spending: $0.49 billion
Unemployment: 3.7%
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
Stanley Cup
Montreal AAAWimbledon
Women: Sir Ronald Ross (UK), for work on malaria (7-5 6-1) Women: Muriel Robb d. C. Sterry (7-5 6-1)Men: Laurie Doherty d. A. Gore (6-4 6-3 3-6 6-0)
Kentucky Derby Champion
Alan-a-DaleNCAA Football Champions
Michigan (11-0-0)Entertainment
Entertainment Awards
Nobel Prize for Literature: Theodor Mommsen (Germany)
More Entertainment Awards... Events
- McClure's Magazine prints "Tweed Days in St. Louis" by C.H. Wetmore and Lincoln Steffens. The article introduces the muckraking era.
- Claude Debussy introduces impressionism to music in Pelléas and Mélisande at the Opéra Comique in Paris.
- Beatrix Potter writes her first Peter Rabbit story.
Nobel Prizes in Science
Chemistry: Emil Fischer (Germany), for experiments in sugar and purin groups of substances
Physics: Hendrik A. Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman (Netherlands), for work on influence of magnetism upon radiation
More Nobel Prizes in 1998... - Willis H. Carrier designs the first system to control temperature and humidity, inventing modern air conditioning.
- The fossils of a Tyrannosaurus rex are discovered by Barnum Brown in Hell Creek, Montana.