Sports: Ask the Fact Monster Questions
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- Babe Ruth was one of two people to ever hit three home runs in a World Series game. Who is the other?
- Which professional basketball players have scored more than 30,000 points?
- Could you please give me the names of the two people enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame who are not players, coaches, owners, managers, or mascots and who have absolutely nothing to do with baseball whatsoever? Also — could you provide me with the name of the baseball player who played the most years in the major leagues but who never played in a post season game?
- I read somewhere that all major league baseball stadiums must point in the same direction (3rd base line north). Is this true?
- How many adults and children bicycle regularly in the U.S.?
- I am trying to find the world's longest boxing match (most number of rounds). So far no luck.
- I can't find a detailed answer regarding how to compute a batting average. What I found says, divide the number of bases by the number of times at bat. So, if you get a walk, does your average go down?
- In Major League Baseball history, has a designated hitter ever won a league MVP award?
- Which baseball park hosted the first night game?
- What was the first sports event to be broadcast on television in color?
- What are the names of the trophies awarded to the the American Football Conference and the National Football Conference champions?
- Where was golf invented and where did the name of golf come from?
- Can you explain the Olympic sport Nordic combined?
- Can you tell me which pitcher won a World Series game in three different decades?
- What is the origin of the term "red shirt freshman?" Why red shirt?
- Why is "K" used to score strikes in baseball?
- I need to know the seven professional sports teams that have the same names, i.e. the Cardinals (NFL Arizona, MLB St. Louis), Rangers (NHL New York, MLB Texas), Giants (MLB San Francisco, NFL New York). What are the others?
- Is it legal to steal first base?
- Who owns the Major League Baseball record for consecutive stolen bases in a single season?
- Nolan Ryan and Bob Gibson supposedly struck out the same guy six years apart for both of their 3,000th strikeouts. Who was this guy?
- I'm Looking for the total Life Time Strike Outs for Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and Babe Ruth for use in 6th Grade Class room. I will use this information to show that even when you strike out or fail you can continue and be sucessful.
- Where can I find out the size and dimensions of a basketball court? I want to paint one on the driveway.
- On your Standard Measurements in Sports page you left out the lane width of the bowling lane. Can you tell me what it is?
- Was there ever a pro football game in which a team scored over 100 points?
- Who invented basketball?
- I was searching your site for, but could not find the answer to, my question. I am trying to find out what was the longest baseball game ever, in innings and the final score of that game.
- How did the word "love" come to mean zero in the game of tennis?
- I know that the baseball parks that the Chicago Cubs (1914), Boston Red Sox (1912), Detroit Tigers (1912) and the New York Yankees (1923) play in were all built before 1930. What is the next oldest active ballpark?
- In college football, what is the definition of a redshirt freshman and a true freshman?
- I need to know if the World Series trophy has a name attached to it (like the Lombardi Trophy in football).
- Why is it whenever we watch horse racing, whether thoroughbreds or harness racing or even car racing, why is it that all racing goes counterclockwise?
- What is a "Hail Mary" in football?
- How many baseballs are used in one game?
See also: