delivery: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (di-liv'u-rē), [key]
— pl. -er•ies.
  1. the carrying and turning over of letters, goods, etc., to a designated recipient or recipients.
  2. a giving up or handing over; surrender.
  3. the utterance or enunciation of words.
  4. vocal and bodily behavior during the presentation of a speech: a speaker's fine delivery.
  5. the act or manner of giving or sending forth: the pitcher's fine delivery of the ball.
  6. the state of being delivered of or giving birth to a child; parturition.
  7. something delivered: The delivery is late today.
  8. a shipment of goods from the seller to the buyer.
  9. a formal act performed to make a transfer of property legally effective:deed. a delivery of
  10. Also calledthe part of a printing press where the paper emerges in printed form.
  11. release or rescue; liberation; deliverance.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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