dock: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (dok), [key]
— n.
  1. a landing pier.
  2. the space or waterway between two piers or wharves, as for receiving a ship while in port.
  3. such a waterway, enclosed or open, together with the surrounding piers, wharves, etc.
  4. See
  5. a platform for loading and unloading trucks, railway freight cars, etc.
  6. an airplane hangar or repair shed.
  7. a place in a theater near the stage or beneath the floor of the stage for the storage of scenery.
  1. to bring (a ship or boat) into a dock; lay up in a dock.
  2. to place in dry dock, as for repairs, cleaning, or painting.
  3. to join (a space vehicle) with another or with a space station in outer space.
  1. to come or go into a dock or dry dock.
  2. (of two space vehicles) to join together in outer space.


Pronunciation: (dok), [key]
— n.
  1. the solid or fleshy part of an animal's tail, as distinguished from the hair.
  2. the part of a tail left after cutting or clipping.
  1. to cut off the end of; cut short: to dock a tail.
  2. to cut short the tail of: to dock a horse.
  3. to deduct from the wages of, usually as a punishment: The boss docked him a day's pay.
  4. to deduct from (wages): The boss docked his paycheck $20.


Pronunciation: (dok), [key]
— n.
  1. the place in a courtroom where a prisoner is placed during trial.
  2. being tried in a court, esp. a criminal court; on trial.


Pronunciation: (dok), [key]
— n.
  1. any of various weedy plants belonging to the genus Rumex, of the buckwheat family, as R. obtusifoliusor R. acetosahaving long taproots.
  2. any of various other plants, mostly coarse weeds.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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