P, p: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pē), [key]
— pl. P's Ps, p's ps.
  1. the sixteenth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.
  2. any spoken sound represented by the letter P or p, as in pet, supper, top, etc.
  3. something having the shape of a
  4. a written or printed representation of the letter P or p.
  5. a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter P or p.


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. (as a rating of student performance) passing.
  2. pawn.
  3. plate.
  4. poor.
  5. predicate.
  6. Protestant.


Pronunciation: [key]
— Symbol.
  1. the 16th in order or in a series, or, when I is omitted, the 15th.
  2. (sometimes l.c.) the medieval Roman numeral for 400. Cf.
  3. parental.
  4. phosphorus.
    1. power.
    2. pressure.
    3. proton.
    4. Seespace inversion.
    5. poise2.
  5. proline.


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. penny; pence.
  2. softly.


Pronunciation: [key]
— Mil. Mil.
  1. (in designations of fighter aircraft) pursuit: P-38.


Pronunciation: [key]
— Chem. Chem.
  1. para- (def. 2).


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. pastor.
  2. father.
  3. peseta.
  4. peso.
  5. post.
  6. president.
  7. pressure.
  8. priest.
  9. prince.
  10. progressive.


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. page.
  2. part.
  3. participle.
  4. past.
  5. father.
  6. pawn.
  7. penny; pence.
  8. per.
  9. person.
  10. peseta.
  11. peso.
  12. softly.
  13. pint.
  14. pipe.
  15. pitcher.
  16. pole.
  17. population.
  18. after.
  19. president.
  20. pressure.
  21. purl.
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