pronounce: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pru-nouns'), [key]
— v., -nounced, -nounc•ing.
  1. to enunciate or articulate (sounds, words, sentences, etc.).
  2. to utter or sound in a particular manner in speaking: He pronounces his words indistinctly.
  3. to utter or articulate in the accepted or correct manner: I can't pronounce this word.
  4. to declare (a person or thing) to be as specified: She pronounced it the best salmon she had ever tasted.
  5. to utter or deliver formally or solemnly: to pronounce sentence.
  6. to announce authoritatively or officially: The judge pronounced the defendant guilty.
  7. to indicate the pronunciation of (words) by providing a phonetic transcription: This dictionary pronounces most of the words entered.
  1. to pronounce words, phrases, etc.
  2. to make a statement or assertion, esp. an authoritative statement (often fol. by on): He was required to pronounce on the findings of his research.
  3. to give an opinion or decision (usually fol. by on): to pronounce on an important matter.
  4. to indicate the pronunciation of words: a spelling book that pronounces.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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