puncture: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pungk'chur), [key]
— n., v., -tured, -tur•ing.
  1. the act of piercing or perforating, as with a pointed instrument or object.
  2. a hole or mark so made.
  3. a small pointlike depression.
  1. to pierce or perforate, as with a pointed instrument: to puncture leather with an awl.
  2. to make (a hole, perforation, etc.) by piercing or perforating: He punctured a row of holes in the cardboard.
  3. to make a puncture in: A piece of glass punctured the tire.
  4. to reduce or diminish as if by piercing; damage; wound: to puncture a person's pride.
  5. to cause to collapse or disintegrate; spoil; ruin: to puncture one's dream of success.
  1. to become punctured: These tires do not puncture easily.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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