tax: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (taks), [key]
— n.
  1. a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.
  2. a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand.
  1. (of a government)
    1. to demand a tax from (a person, business, etc.).
    2. to demand a tax in consideration of the possession or occurrence of (income, goods, sales, etc.), usually in proportion to the value of money involved.
  2. to lay a burden on; make serious demands on: to tax one's resources.
  3. to take to task; censure; reprove; accuse: to tax one with laziness.
  4. to charge: What did he tax you for that?
  5. to estimate or determine the amount or value of.
  1. to levy taxes.


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. var. ofbefore a vowel: taxeme.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
See also:
  • tax (Thesaurus)