trolley: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (trol'ē), [key]
— n., pl. v., -leys, -leyed, -ley•ing.
  1. a trolley car.
  2. a pulley or truck traveling on an overhead track and serving to support and move a suspended object.
  3. a grooved metallic wheel or pulley carried on the end of a pole by an electric car or locomotive, and held in contact with an overhead conductor, usually a suspended wire from which it collects the current for the propulsion of the car or locomotive.
  4. any of various devices for collecting current for such a purpose, as a pantograph, or a bowlike structuresliding along an overhead wire, or a devicefor taking current from the underground wire or conductor used by some electric railways.
  5. a small truck or car operated on a track, as in a mine or factory.
  6. a serving cart, as one used to serve desserts.
  7. any of various low carts or vehicles, as a railway handcar or costermonger's cart.
  8. He's been off his trolley for years, but his family refuses to have him committed.
    1. in a confused mental state.
    2. insane:He's been off his trolley for years, but his family refuses to have him committed.
—v.t., v.i.
  1. to convey or go by trolley.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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