DK People & Places: Africa

Africa is the second-largest continent in the world after Asia. About 831 million people live there—more than one-tenth of the world’s population. The majority of Africans are Muslim or Christian, although there are many local religious beliefs and customs. Most people live in small towns or villages, where they grow crops, tend livestock, and sometimes work in tourism and other industries. Rapid population growth means that people often need to move to cities in search of food or work. They also move to escape the civil wars, droughts, and famines in rural areas.


Total land area: 11,712,434 sq miles (30,335,000 sq km)

Total population: 831 million

Number of countries: 53

Largest country: Algeria 967,493 sq miles (2,505,810 sq km)

Smallest country: Seychelles 175 sq miles (455 sq km)

Largest country population: Nigeria 120 million

Largest lake: Lake Victoria, Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda 26,560 sq miles (68,880 sq km)

Longest river: Nile, Uganda/ Sudan/Egypt 4,160 miles (6,695 km)

Highest point: Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 19,341 ft (5,895 m)

Major desert: Sahara Desert

Largest island: Madagascar 229,355 sq miles (594,180 sq km)

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