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86 results found

Rainaldi, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Rainaldi, Carlo kärˈlō rīnälˈdē [key], 1611–91, Italian architect of the high baroque. He followed in the steps of the great Roman masters of baroque building, Bernini, Borromini, and Cortona...

Fontana, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Fontana, Carlo kärˈlō fōntäˈnä [key], 1634–1714, Italian architect. During his early years he worked for three of the most important architects of the high baroque period—Rainaldi, Cortona,...

Dolci, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Dolci, Carlo or Carlino kärˈlō, kärlēˈnō dōlˈchē [key], 1616–86, Florentine painter. Among his best-known paintings are the heads and half-figures of Jesus and the Mater Dolorosa, in which...

Crivelli, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Crivelli, Carlo krēvĕlˈlē [key], b. c.1430, d. after 1493, Venetian painter, who worked chiefly in the Marches. His paintings, notable for their rather harsh conception, include the Virgin and Chi...

Collodi, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Collodi, Carlo lōrāntsēˈnē [key], 1826–90, Italian author. A prolific journalist, he also wrote didactic tales for children, the most famous of which is Pinocchio: The Story of a Puppet. First ...

Goldoni, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Goldoni, Carlo kärˈlō gōldôˈnē [key], 1707–93, Italian dramatist. He was enamored of comedy from childhood, having sketched his first comic drama at eight. He took a degree in law at Padua bu...

Gesualdo, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Gesualdo, Carlo kärˈlō jāzo͞oälˈdō [key], Prince of Venosa, c.1560–1613, Italian composer. Gesualdo's first musical work was published in 1585. His complex later madrigals, contained in the ...

Monte Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Monte Carlo môNtāˈ kärlōˈ [key], town (1982 pop. 13,150), principality of Monaco, on the Mediterranean Sea and the French Riviera. It is a tourist center noted for its world-famous gambling casi...

Levi, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Levi, Carlo kärˈlō lāˈvē [key], 1902–75, Italian writer and painter, noted as an anti-Fascist leader. After taking a medical degree, Levi devoted himself to painting, gaining international acc...

Maratti, Carlo

(Encyclopedia)Maratti or Maratta, Carlo kärˈlō märätˈtē, –tä [key], 1625–1713, Italian high baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school. He restored Raphael's frescoes in the Vatican and was appoin...

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