Columbia Encyclopedia

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22 results found

Plantin, Christophe

(Encyclopedia)Plantin, Christophe krēstôfˈ pläNtăNˈ [key], 1514–89, printer. Plantin left his native France for Belgium because of religious persecution. In Antwerp his work, at first as a bookbinder, began...

Granjon, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Granjon, Robert grănˈjən, Fr. rōbĕrˈ gräNzhôNˈ [key], fl. 1545–88, French designer of type and printer. He began his work in Paris and afterward worked in Lyons, Antwerp, and Rome. The type...

Christophe, Henri

(Encyclopedia)Christophe, Henri äNrēˈ krēstôfˈ [key], 1767–1820, Haitian revolutionary leader. A freed black slave, he aided Toussaint Louverture in the liberation of Haiti and was army chief under Dessalin...

Kellermann, François Christophe

(Encyclopedia)Kellermann, François Christophe fräNswäˈ krēstôfˈ kĕlĕrmänˈ [key], 1735–1820, marshal of France, b. Strasbourg. He served in the Seven Years War and won renown in the French Revolutionary...

Garamond, Claude

(Encyclopedia)Garamond, Claude klōd gärämôNˈ [key], 1480–1561, Parisian designer and maker of printing types. According to tradition he learned his art from Geofroy Tory. Types designed by Garamond were used...

Antwerp, city, Belgium

(Encyclopedia)Antwerp, Du. Antwerpen, Fr. Anvers, city (2020 pop. 1,042,000), capital of Antwerp prov., N Belgium, on the Scheldt River. It is one of the busiest ports in Europe; a commercial, in...

Lamoricière, Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de

(Encyclopedia)Lamoricière, Christophe Léon Louis Juchault de krēstôfˈ lāôNˈ lwē zhüshōˈ də lämôrēsyĕrˈ [key], 1806–65, French general. Important in the conquest of Algeria, he distinguished hims...

Masereel, Frans

(Encyclopedia)Masereel, Frans fräns mäsārālˈ [key], 1889–1972, Belgian painter and illustrator. Essentially self-taught, Masereel is famous for his many series of satiric, expressionist woodcuts. He illustra...

Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel

(Encyclopedia)Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel shärl vēktôrˈ ĕmänüĕlˈ ləklĕrˈ [key], 1772–1802, French general. He served under Napoleon Bonaparte in the Italian campaign, married (1797) Pauline Bonap...

Boyer, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia)Boyer, Jean Pierre zhäN pyĕr bwäyāˈ [key], 1776–1850, president of Haiti (1818–43). A free mulatto, he fought under Toussaint Louverture and then joined André Rigaud, also a mulatto, in the ...

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