Columbia Encyclopedia

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327 results found

Ellsberg, Daniel

(Encyclopedia)Ellsberg, Daniel, 1931–2023, American political activist, b. Chicago, grad. Columbia Univ. (B.S., 1952, Ph.D., 1959). After serving in the U.S. Marine...

Sheehan, Neil

(Encyclopedia) Sheehan, Neil (Cornelius Mahoney Sheehan), 1936-2021, American journalist, b. Holyoke, Ma. Sheehan was hired by United Press International (UPI) in 19...

Pentagon Papers

(Encyclopedia)Pentagon Papers, government study of U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia. Commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara in June, 1967, the 47-volume, top secret study covered the period from ...

Defoe, Daniel

(Encyclopedia)Defoe or De Foe, Daniel dĭfōˈ [key], 1660?–1731, English writer, b. London. He was nearly sixty when he turned to writing novels. In 1719 he published his famous Life and Strange Surprising Adv...

Drew, Daniel

(Encyclopedia)Drew, Daniel, 1797–1879, American railroad speculator, b. Carmel, N.Y. He became a cattle dealer in early life and by 1834 was successful enough to engage in the steamboat business on the Hudson, wh...

Dulany, Daniel

(Encyclopedia)Dulany, Daniel dyo͞olāˈnē [key], 1685–1753, political leader of colonial Maryland, b. Ireland. He emigrated to Maryland c.1703, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. He entered the assembly ...

Daniel, Antoine

(Encyclopedia)Daniel, Antoine (Saint Antony Daniel) äNtwänˈ dänyĕlˈ [key], 1600–1648, French missionary in the New World, a Jesuit priest. He came in 1632 to Canada and in 1634 went with Father Jean Brébeu...

Daniel, Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Daniel, Samuel, 1562?–1619, English poet and historian. He was tutor to William Herbert, 3d earl of Pembroke, and later to Lady Anne Clifford. Eventually he found favor with James I, and in 1603 he ...

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