Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Wilbur, Richard

(Encyclopedia)Wilbur, Richard, 1921–2017, American poet and translator, b. New York City, B.A. Amherst, 1942, M.A. Harvard, 1947. A virtuoso craftsman who wrote with grace and precision in traditional verse forms...

Wilbur, John

(Encyclopedia)Wilbur, John, 1774–1856, American Quaker leader, b. Hopkinton, R.I. He became the leader of the opposition to the evangelical principles of J. J. Gurney and Elias Hicks, and his expulsion (1843) by ...

Atwater, Wilbur Olin

(Encyclopedia)Atwater, Wilbur Olin, 1844–1907, American agricultural chemist, b. Johnsburg, N.Y. He was professor at several American universities and helped to set up and later became director of the first state...

Jackman, Wilbur Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Jackman, Wilbur Samuel, 1855–1907, American educator, b. Mechanicstown, Ohio, grad. Harvard, 1884. Jackman was a leader of the nature study movement in elementary schools. He taught (after 1889) at ...

Cross, Wilbur Lucius

(Encyclopedia)Cross, Wilbur Lucius, 1862–1948, American educator and public official, b. Mansfield, Conn., grad. Yale (B.A., 1885; Ph.D., 1889). He was instructor (1894–97), assistant professor (1897–1902), a...

Steele, Wilbur Daniel

(Encyclopedia)Steele, Wilbur Daniel, 1886–1970, American author, b. Greensboro, N.C., grad. Univ. of Denver, 1907. He studied art in Boston, Paris, and New York City. He was particularly noted for his short stori...

Sutherland, Earl Wilbur

(Encyclopedia)Sutherland, Earl Wilbur, 1915–1974, American pharmacologist and physiologist, b. Burlingame, Kans., M.D., Washington Univ. Medical School, 1942. He was a professor at Washington Univ. (1945–53), a...

Wilbur, Ray Lyman

(Encyclopedia)Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1875–1949, American public official and educator, b. Boonesboro, Iowa, grad. Stanford (B.A., 1896; M.A., 1897) and Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, 1899. After studying medi...

Richard I

(Encyclopedia)Richard I, Richard Cœur de Lion kör də lyôNˈ [key], or Richard Lion-Heart, 1157–99, king of England (1189–99); third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Although enthroned as duke of A...

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