Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Adam, Robert

(Encyclopedia)Adam, Robert ădˈəm [key], 1728–92, and James Adam, 1730–94, Scottish architects, brothers. They designed important public and private buildings in England and Scotland and numerous interiors, p...

Adam, James

(Encyclopedia)Adam, James: see Adam, Robert.

Marsh, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Marsh, Adam, or Adam de Marisco mârˈĭskō [key], d. 1259?, English Franciscan scholar. He was a student of Robert Grosseteste. When Grosseteste became bishop, Marsh took his place in the Franciscan...

Ferguson, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Ferguson, Adam fûrˈgəsən [key], 1723–1816, Scottish philosopher and historian. He was professor of philosophy at the Univ. of Edinburgh (1759–85). His Essay on the History of Civil Society (17...

Elsheimer, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Elsheimer, Adam äˈdäm ĕlsˈhīmər [key], 1578–1610?, German painter. After studying in Frankfurt, Munich, and Venice, he settled in Rome and worked for Pope Paul V. He painted small pictures on...

Mickiewicz, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Mickiewicz, Adam äˈdäm mētskyĕˈvĭch [key], 1798–1855, Polish romantic poet and playwright, b. Belorussia. He studied at the Univ. of Vilna, where he was arrested (1823) for pan-Polish activit...

Kraft, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Kraft or Krafft, Adam both: äˈdäm kräft [key], c.1455–1509, German sculptor of Nuremberg. He moved from an ornamental late Gothic style toward clarity, symmetry, and a powerful use of rounded, o...

Malik, Adam

(Encyclopedia)Malik, Adam mälˈēk [key], 1917–84, Indonesian government official. A militant nationalist as a youth, he helped to found a news bureau that eventually became the official Indonesian news agency, ...

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