Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Garnier, Marie Joseph François

(Encyclopedia)Garnier, Marie Joseph François gärnyāˈ [key], 1839–73, French explorer and naval officer, usually known as Francis Garnier. He served (1860–62) against Annam and China, then in the administra...

Talma, François Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Talma, François Joseph fräNswäˈ zhôzĕfˈ tälmäˈ [key], 1763–1826, French actor. The greatest tragedian of his time, he broke with tradition and foreshadowed the romanticists. He continued L...

Raoult, François Marie

(Encyclopedia)Raoult, François Marie fräNswäˈ märēˈ räo͞olzˈ [key], 1830–1901, French physicist and chemist. He was professor (from 1870) and dean (from 1889) of the faculty of sciences at the Univ. of ...

Garnier-Pagès, Étienne Joseph Louis

(Encyclopedia)Garnier-Pagès, Étienne Joseph Louis ātyĕnˈ zhôzĕfˈ lwē gärnyāˈ-päzhĕsˈ [key], 1801–41, French politician; brother of Louis Antoine Garnier-Pagès. He was a leading figure in the oppos...

Chaumonot, Joseph Marie

(Encyclopedia)Chaumonot, Joseph Marie zhôzĕfˈ märēˈ shōmônōˈ [key], 1611–93, French Jesuit missionary to the New World. He arrived in 1639 in Quebec. He worked first with Brébeuf among the Huron near G...

Chénier, Marie Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Chénier, Marie Joseph shānyāˈ [key], 1764–1811, French poet and dramatist, b. Constantinople; brother of André Chénier. A member of the Convention, the Council of Five Hundred, and the Tribun...

Jacquard, Joseph Marie

(Encyclopedia)Jacquard, Joseph Marie zhôzĕfˈ märēˈ zhäkärˈ [key], 1752–1834, French inventor, whose loom is of the greatest importance in modern mechanical figure weaving. After several years of experime...

Vien, Joseph-Marie

(Encyclopedia)Vien, Joseph-Marie zhôzëfˈ-märēˈ vyăNˈ [key], 1716–1809, French neoclassical painter. A protégé of the comte de Caylus, he won the Prix de Rome and studied in Italy. He was appointed direc...

Dupleix, Joseph François

(Encyclopedia)Dupleix, Joseph François zhôzĕfˈ fräNswäˈ düplĕksˈ [key], 1697–1763, French colonial administrator in India. He went to India in 1721 as an officer of the French East India Company. In 173...

Fétis, François Joseph

(Encyclopedia)Fétis, François Joseph fräNswäˈ zhôzĕfˈ fātēsˈ [key], 1784–1871, Belgian music theorist, historian, and composer. A teacher and librarian at the Paris Conservatory, he became (1833) direc...

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