Major Earthquakes around the World, 2006
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Date | Location | Magnitude1 |
Jan. 2 | East of the South Sandwich Islands | 7.4 |
Jan. 2 | Fiji Region | 7.2 |
Jan. 27 | Banda Sea | 7.6 |
Feb. 22 | Mozambique | 7.0 |
April 20 | Koryakia, Russia | 7.6 |
May 3 | Tonga | 7.9 |
May 16 | Kermadec Islands Region | 7.4 |
July 17 | South of Java, Indonesia | 7.7 |
Aug. 20 | Scotia Sea, south of S. America | 7.0 |
Nov. 15 | Kuril Islands | 8.3 |
Dec. 26 | Taiwan region | 7.1 |
NOTE: A major earthquake is defined here as having a magnitude of 7.0 or more.
1. Unless otherwise indicated, magnitudes listed are moment magnitudes, the newest, most uniformly applicable magnitude scale.
Source: National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey. Web:
See also The Ten Largest Earthquakes of the Century and The Largest Earthquakes in the United States.