Top News Stories from 1962

World Events

World Statistics

Population: 4.378 billion
population by decade
Nobel Peace Prize: Linus Pauling (US)
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U.S. Events

U.S. Statistics

President: John F. Kennedy
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Population: 186,537,737
Life expectancy: 70.1 years
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 20.2
Property Crime Rate (per 1,000) 18.6
Homicide Rate (per 100,000): 4.8
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US GDP (1998 dollars): $585.2 billion
Federal spending: $106.82 billion
Federal debt $302.9 billion
Median Household Income(current dollars): "Moon River," Henry Mancini billion
Consumer Price Index: $30.2
Unemployment: 6.7%
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04


World Series
NY Yankees d. San Francisco Giants
NBA Championship
Boston d. LA Lakers
Stanley Cup
Toronto d. Chicago
Women: Karen Susman d. V. Sukova (6-4 6-4)
Men: Rod Laver d. M. Mulligan (6-2 6-2 6-1)
Kentucky Derby Champion
NCAA Basketball Championship
Cincinnati d. Ohio St. (71-59)
NCAA Football Champions
USC (11-0-0)
World Cup
Brazil d. Czechoslovakia


Entertainment Awards

Pulitzer Prizes

The Edge of Sadness, Edwin O'Connor

Music: The Crucible, Robert Ward
Drama: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Frank Loesser and Abe Burrows
Academy Award, Best Picture: West Side Story, Robert Wise, producer (United Artists)
Nobel Prize for Literature: John Steinbeck (US)
Album of the Year: Judy at Carnegie Hall, Judy Garland (Capitol)
Song of the Year: "Moon River," Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer, songwriters
Miss America: Maria Fletcher (NC)
More Entertainment Awards...


  • Marilyn Monroe dies of a drug overdose at age 36.
  • The first transatlantic television transmission occurs via the Telstar Satellite, making worldwide television and cable networks a reality.
  • Government regulations force studios out of the talent agency business.
  • Johnny Carson takes over hosting duties of The Tonight Show.


  • Lawrence of Arabia, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Manchurian Candidate, Divorce-Italian Style



Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: Max F. Perutz and John C. Kendrew (UK), for mapping protein molecules with X-rays
Physics: Lev D. Landau (USSR), for his theories about condensed matter
Physiology or Medicine: James D. Watson (US), Maurice H. F. Wilkins, and Francis H. C. Crick (both UK), for determining structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
More Nobel Prizes in 1998...


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