rocky: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (rok'ē), [key]
— rock•i•er, rock•i•est.
  1. full of or abounding in rocks.
  2. consisting of rock.
  3. rocklike: wood with a rocky hardness.
  4. firm; steadfast: rocky endurance.
  5. unfeeling; without sympathy or emotion: my rocky heart.


Pronunciation: (rok'ē), [key]
— rock•i•er, rock•i•est.
  1. inclined or likely to rock; tottering; shaky; unsteady.
  2. difficult or uncertain; full of hazards or obstacles: a business with a rocky future.
  3. physically unsteady or weak, as from sickness.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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