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(Encyclopedia) SamanidSamanidsämäˈnĭd [key], Muslim Persian dynasty that ruled (819–1005) in Khorasan and Transoxiana as vassals of the Abbasids; founded by Saman-Khuda, of old Persian aristocracy.…


(Encyclopedia) KashiKashikäˈshēˈ [key] or KashgarKashgarkäshˈgär [key], city (1994 est. pop. 190,500), SW Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, on the Kaxgar (Kashgar) River (a tributary of the…

Bukhara, emirate of

(Encyclopedia) Bukhara, emirate of, former state, central Asia, in Turkistan, in the Amu Darya River basin. Part of ancient Sogdiana, it was ruled (a.d. 709–874) by the Umayyad Arabs and played an…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 UzbekistanUzbekistan&oobreve;zbĕkĭstänˈ, Uzbek Ozbekiston, officially Republic of Uzbekistan, republic (2015 est. pop. 29,200,000), 173,552 sq mi (449,500 sq km), central…


(Encyclopedia) KhwarazmKhwarazmkhwärăzˈəm [key] or KhorezmKhorezmkhərĕzˈəm [key], ancient and medieval state of central Asia, situated in and around the basin of the lower Amu Darya River; now a…

State Department Notes on Uzbekistan

U.S. Department of State Background Note Index: People Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Uzbek Relations PEOPLELocated in the heart of Central Asia…


(Encyclopedia) paper, thin, flat sheet or tissue made usually from plant fiber but also from rags and other fibrous materials. It is used principally for printing and writing on but has many other…

The World's Most Famous Buildings and Structures

Prehistorical and Ancient The megalithic passage tomb at Newgrange in Ireland covers over an acre and was constructed around 3200 B.C. Buried for centuries, the mound was rediscovered in 1699 and…

Persian literature

(Encyclopedia) Persian literature, literary writings in the Persian language, nearly all of it written in the area traditionally known as Persia, now Iran. The 15th cent. period of the second…


(Encyclopedia) Turkistan or TurkestanTurkistanboth: tûrkˌĭstănˈ, –stänˈ, historic region of central Asia. Western, or Russian, Turkistan extended from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Chinese…