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Homework Center: Science

Subjects Geography History Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources Almanac Dictionary…

DK Science: Attack

Slashing clawChasing down preyDeath by poisonFlesh-eating dinosaurs had different methods of attack that varied with their size, agility, and victims. Large predators crept up on giant herbivores…

DK Science: Biographies

Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte De Buffon 1707–1788Georges Cuvier 1769–1832Alexandre Brongniart 1770–1847William Buckland 1784–1856Gideon Mantell 1790–1852Mary Anning 1799–1847Richard Owen 1804–…

DK Science: Classification

Scientists have developed various systems of classification to describe living things. The one used here is a cladogram, which is a diagram that shows the relationship between different species of…

DK Science: Defence

Sprint from dangerBlending inClub tailWhip tailArmoured jacketThe dinosaur world was not over-run by gangs of vicious killers. Most dinosaurs were peaceful creatures that never attacked anything.…

DK Science: Evolution

When young animals grow up, they may be similar to their parents but they are never identical. If one animal is able to move faster than another of the same species, it can probably catch more…

DK Science: Feeding

Tree-top browserBalancing actLow browserVegetarian mouthsCretaceous food chainThroughout the dinosaur era, communities of dinosaurs were made up of plant-eaters (herbivores) and meat-eaters (…

DK Science: Glossary

Adaptationthe response of a living organism to changes in its environment.Agea unit of geological time, which is characterized by some feature (like an Ice Age).Ambera yellowish, fossilized tree…

DK Science: In The Field

1 Preparing the site2 Exposing the fossil3 Mapping the site4 Site map5 Inner dressing6 Plaster field jacketIn the past, dinosaur digs were very different from what they are today. Fragile fossils…

DK Science: In The Lab

When a fossil arrives in a laboratory, it is usually embedded in a chunk of the rock it was found in. The first job for the specially trained technicians, called preparators, is to free the fossil…