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World Wildlife Fund

(Encyclopedia) World Wildlife Fund (WWF), international organization formed to raise money for conservation projects, est. 1961. The international organization, believing that its name no longer…

Countries of the World

Each Country Profile provides information on: Geography · Maps · Flag · History · Current ruler · Area · Population · Capital · Largest cities · Languages · Ethnicity/race ·…

World Leaders

The Question: Could you give me a list of the prime ministers and presidents of the world? The Answer: We don't have that in list form, but our country profiles…

Welcoming the World

The East met West in February 1998 as Nagano, Japan played host to 72 nations and regions participating in the final Olympic Games of the 20th century. The country's raw enthusiasm for the games…

The World of Fashion

The next time you put on your argyles or bikini, remember that they took their names from real places on the globe. Ascot, a village in Berkshire, England, is the home of a famous annual horse…

People in the World

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is a famous saying about customs. But what exactly do the Romans and other people do that is so different? Where do women wear rings in their noses to show they…

Zoos of the World

The first zoo in the U.S. opened in Philadelphia in 1859. Today, there are more than 200 zoos in the U.S., far more than in any other country. Here are some top U.S. and foreign zoos. San Diego…

Volcanoes of the World

Source: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey About 550 volcanoes have erupted on Earth's surface since recorded history; about 60 are active each…

The World's Treasures

There may be lost pirate treasure buried in the coves of the Caribbean Islands. There are certainly lost treasures of gold and jewels aboard early Spanish sailing ships sunk at sea. But not all…

World Geography

Taos Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico Source: Beth Harpaz for Associated Press Encyclopedia: Earth Encyclopedia: People and Places Famous Explorers Quiz Geography Hall of Fame Geography Glossary The…