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Rabbits How to Care for Rabbits Rabbits may be easy to love, but they're not quite as easy to care for. Rabbits are social creatures and wonderful companions to people who take the time to…


Caring for your cat Be A Responsible Cat Owner You're probably thinking, "How hard can it be? Cats can take care of themselves." But think again. Living with a cat may not involve much work…


Adopting a cat? Make the Right Choice! You may have heard the saying, "You own a dog, you feed a cat." It's true that cats value their independence a bit more than their canine counterparts…

Infoplease Spotlight

Bringing home your new cat What Next? Congratulations! You are the proud new owner of a cat. No doubt you're looking forward to years of happy companionship. But what do you do now? The…


Dogs Be A Responsible Dog Owner Take another look at the headline above. It could just have easily said, "Be good to your dog." Or, "Be good to your neighbors." After all, that's what being a…

Dogs: Adopting a dog

Dogs Adopting a dog? Make the Right Choice! There's one problem with adopting a dog from an animal shelter: the selection of available canine companions can overwhelm you! Man's best friends…

Dogs: Bringing home your new dog

Dogs Bringing home your new dog What Next? So you've taken the plunge and adopted a dog of your own. Congratulations! But what do you do now? No doubt you're excited and looking forward to…

Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs How to Care for Guinea Pigs A descendant of the wild guinea pigs of South America, today's domesticated guinea pig is viewed by many as an "easy" pet for children. Many parents…


Hamsters How to Care for Hamsters Hamsters were living in relative obscurity until just 70 years ago, when a zoologist discovered a family of these rodents in the Syrian desert. Today,…

Finding a Lost Pet

When your beloved dog or cat strays from home, it can be a traumatic experience for both of you. We offer the following tips to help you find your pet. Contact local animal shelters and…