Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Rephidim rĕfˈĭdĭm, rēfĭdˈĭm [key], in the Bible, unlocated place in Sinai where Moses struck the rock and brought forth water. ...

Fontana, Lucio

(Encyclopedia)Fontana, Lucio, 1899–1968, Italian artist, b. Argentina. He lived (1905–22) in Milan, then several times moved from Italy to Argentina and back, remaining in Italy after 1947. Much of his early wo...


(Encyclopedia)Jehovah-nissi jəhōˈvə-nĭsˈī [key], in the Bible, name Moses gave to the altar commemorating the victory over the Amalekites. ...


(Encyclopedia)Nehushtan nēhŭshˈtăn [key], in the Bible, brazen serpent made by Moses. It was eventually worshiped by the Israelites, and Hezekiah destroyed it. ...


(Encyclopedia)Jethro jĕthˈrō [key], Midianite priest of the peninsula of Sinai who was the companion and father-in-law of Moses. He is also called Reuel, Raguel, and Hobab. ...


(Encyclopedia)Amram ămˈrăm [key], in the Bible. 1 Moses' father; ancestor of a Levitical family. 2 Edomite. 1 Chron. 1.41. Hemdan: Gen. 36.26. 3 Jew who had married a foreign wife. ...


(Encyclopedia)primitivism, in art, the style of works of self-trained artists who develop their talents in a fanciful and fresh manner, as in the paintings of Henri Rousseau and Grandma Moses. The term primitive ha...


(Encyclopedia)Numbers, book of the Bible, fourth of the five books of the Law (the Pentateuch or Torah) ascribed by tradition to Moses. Numbers begins at Sinai and ends in Moab on the eve of the Hebrews' entry into...


(Encyclopedia)Jeshaiah jēshāˈyə [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief singer. 2 Tribal chief accompanying Ezra. 3 Descendant of Moses. An alternate form is Isshiah. 4 Merarite who returned with Ezra. ...

Newman, Barnett

(Encyclopedia)Newman, Barnett, 1905–70, American artist, b. New York City. A member of the New York school, Newman was one of the first to reject conventional notions of spatial composition in art. Often using mo...

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