Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)restaurant, a commerical establishment where meals can be bought and eaten. In the 16th cent. English inns and taverns began to serve one meal a day at a fixed time and price, at a common table, and u...

Claiborne, Craig

(Encyclopedia)Claiborne, Craig, 1920–2000, American food journalist, restaurant critic, and cookbook author, b. Sunflower, Miss., studied École Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switz. After settling in New York and writ...


(Encyclopedia)cafeteria: see restaurant.

Muskegon Heights

(Encyclopedia)Muskegon Heights, city (1990 pop. 13,176), Muskegon co., W Mich., a suburb of Muskegon; inc. 1903. Its manufactures include foundry items, restaurant furniture, tanks and hoppers, and lubricants. ...


(Encyclopedia)Kristiansand krĭstyänsänˈ [key], city (1995 pop. 68,618), capital of Vest-Agder co., S Norway, a commercial and passenger port on the Skagerrak. Manufactures include ships, textiles, metal and woo...

Canaday, John

(Encyclopedia)Canaday, John kănˈədāˌ, –dē [key], 1907–85, American art critic, b. Fort Scott, Kans. A columnist for the New York Times, Canaday was noted for taking conservative positions in the art world...

du Bois, Guy Pène

(Encyclopedia)du Bois, Guy Pène gē pĕn dü bwä [key], 1884–1958, American painter and critic, b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; studied under William Chase and in Paris. In New York City after 1906 he worked as a reporter a...


(Encyclopedia)Sparks, city (1990 pop. 53,367), Washoe co., W Nev., just E of Reno; inc. 1905. The Southern Pacific RR was the major employer until the dieselization of railroad engines forced the closing (1957) of ...

Maddox, Lester G.

(Encyclopedia)Maddox, Lester G. (Lester Garfield Maddox, Sr), 1915–2003, U.S. public official, governor of Georgia (1967–71), b. Atlanta. He achieved national notoriety in 1964 when he drove African Americans f...

Romberg, Sigmund

(Encyclopedia)Romberg, Sigmund rŏmˈbûrg [key], 1887–1951, Hungarian-American composer, educated in Vienna. He came to the United States in 1909, played in restaurant and café orchestras, and soon had his own ...

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