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Science Projects: Just for the Fun of It!

Just for the Fun of It!Science ProjectsJust for the Fun of It!Making Invisible InkMaking Eggs That BounceDo Odor and Bacteria Go Hand-in-Hand?The Sweetest Experiment A great…

Fun Facts About Food Near and Far

What's bouillabaisse? It's French for a fish stew that combines many kinds of fish and shellfish. Here is a stew of another kind — a variety of food facts. Meal…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: World History

History     World History Events and Timelines Ancient History Some Ancient Civilizations 1-999 (A.D.) World History 1000-2000 World History Year-by-Year 1900…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: Social Studies

Social Studies World Facts How Big is Each Country? Biggest, Smallest, Richest, Poorest Countries World Population World's Most Populous Countries World's Most Populous Cities World…

Name Power

Some Native Americans have two names, one of which is never made public because of the power it would give another person over them.It is common in parts of West Africa for people to name their…

People at a Glance

People have lived in the world for millions of years. Today, 6.3 billion people live on the earth.The world's population grows by 100 million each year. Some 950 million people in the world are…

People in Groups

Aristocracy: A society or group of people ruled by the upper class. Democracy: A form of government in which the people hold power. People can either exercise the power or elect officials to do so…

Generic People

A generic person is the name for a type of person, not a real one. These names are often used to describe different kinds of people.Famous CouplesJane and John Doe The Does have been around since…

People in the World

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is a famous saying about customs. But what exactly do the Romans and other people do that is so different? Where do women wear rings in their noses to show they…