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National Holidays on January 26th

The Question: Which countries celebrate January 26 as a national holiday? The Answer: According to our list of National Holidays Around the…

Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday

Who originated the idea of a national holiday in honor of MLK? by Shmuel Ross and David Johnson Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday observed on the third Monday in January. In 2015,…

Consumer Fireworks

See your state's policy on fireworks by Mark Hughes Related Links Fireworks Facts Pyrotechnics John Smith…

Korematsu Day

Celebrating a man who never gave up on his rights by Jennie Wood On January 30, 2011, California celebrated its first Korematsu Day, a holiday established to honor Fred Korematsu, a Japanese…

Pi Day

A day to celebrate all things round by Catherine McNiff 3.1415926535897932. . . Approximated as 3.14, the Greek letter for pi is an irrational (cannot be written as a simple…

A History of the New Year

A move from March to January by Borgna Brunner New Year's Features New Year's Traditions Rosh Hashannah, Jewish New…